Schools are preparing to cope with the worst case of Coronavirus (COVID-19): school closures. Students will leave schools and parents leave the office to stay at home in the lockdown scenario. Learning from home might be a good experience and a new challenge, for teachers, parents, young students, and also Rolling Fun.
Originally, Rolling Fun workshop was designed for classroom learning. The carers or teachers could run the workshop anywhere anytime with their classes. Teachers will be their with their classes to provide hands-on experience and role as the facilitators. We have built the class-oriented Rolling Fun Edu tool kits, videos and supported teaching materials. Now with the Coronavirus, we twist our model to support the schools, teachers, parents and kids for the closures period.
Learning moves from the class and school to family in the lockdown time. We switch the class-oriented structure to the family-oriented structure. The teachers still use the videos to support the learning purpose.
Rolling Fun modified the existing class-oriented Edu tool kit to be the new family-oriented Edu tool kit. Our new R16 Mobile kit also could participate in the resources. The class-oriented online videos are already available. We are adding more videos for parents and family. Parents will prepare recipes with available ingredients they have in their home kitchens. It’s all creative recipes so that parents and kids have fun at home while the teachers also guide the class remotely for the learning outcomes.
In the existing Rolling Fun workshop, each student takes home a tool kit (a Rice Paper tray) to show and share the new-learnt skills with the family. Now with the Coronavirus-school closure, the whole family, parents and young students, will learn at the same time with the new home-oriented learning tool kit. It will be a very interesting experience.