After seeing the demonstration of rolling rice paper rolls with real ingredients, kids are excited to get hands on to make their own food. They observe the simple steps with a familiar rhythm in a 3-step Rolling Fun’s song, and keen to apply the learnt steps right away. However, some children still hesitate to make their ever first food with all real julienned rainbow vegetables.
To overcome this issue, Rolling Fun Rice Paper Roll applies a playing step with a paper before using a real rice paper wrapper. This method follows the business concept: simply learning through playing and having fun. The method also encourages kids to follow a good learning skill: “practice makes perfect”.
The result?
Kids are confident with happy smile on their faces to make the real food. Kids said “easy peasy like lemon squeezy”. Some children also commented “I will show my mom and my dad how to make this roll.”
The teachers and Rolling Fun ambassadors could not be happier with this fantastic result.